dimanche 18 novembre 2012

JuZha - Makeup for the soul

 Makeup enhances.  Changes.  Updates.  It can be used to raise self esteem, or when done poorly, kills one's self esteem.  But more times than not, make up makes a woman feel beautiful, sexy, desireable.  Thats the point.

Created by two women who have worked with hundreds of women updating, enhancing and helping thier souls; JuZha was born. 

I have known Julie since high school.  She always loved make up, and has always had a greater than life ability to talk to others, and listen to their problems.  And most importantly, to help.  She began working with Zhanna while working at the Chanel make up counter at Lord & Taylor on 5th Ave.  They immediately became friends.

The friendship turned into a business partnership when Julie and Zhanna decided women needed to learn how to love make-up; not depend on it.  JuZha was created to teach women how to enhace their features, and love their flaws.  As make up artists both Julie and Zhanna have seen many women arrive crying, hoping make up will help.  They have watched these same women leave their talented hands feeling better, but both Julie and Zhanna know its only temporary.


JuZha knows make up should not be a life line, but a support network.

JuZha wants to teach women how to apply make up.  How to love the way they look - flaws and all. 

JuZha wants to work with women to host parties where multiple women can learn together.  Only helping the self esteem and morale of the woman in attendance at the party.

I was incredibly lucky to attend JuZha's first photo shoot.  The girls called in their girlfriends as models.  Women they love.  Women who have flaws, and love their flaws.  JuZha created enhanced versions of these already beautiful women.  The models were not only models, but motivators for the women of JuZha.  What better way to "give back" than to use their biggest supportors as models.

While spending a few hours with the girls I learned so much about the models, the JuZha entreprenaurs, and the goals of the company. 

The photos were completed for the new JuZha website that has not yet gone up.  But as soon as it does I will post the link.  I also plan on trying to host a party with girlfriends so that I can write more about this amazing company.  I want my girlfriends to love themselves, flaws and all.  I want my girlfriends to learn to love themselves, not convince themselves they need to love themselves.

The girls of JuZha are so amazing, its something you must see.  Watching them work as a team is incredible.  Side by Side.  Back to Back.  Constantly in motion, Constantly in sync.  But what is most incredible is the way in which they speak to the models/clients/friends.  They compliment the women, teach them how to apply the makeup, and act as therapists. 

Its a beautiful thing to watch women being transformed inside and out.

Check the girls out on facebook at JuZha.  If you want to contact the girls directly shoot us an email at girlsenville@gmail.com.  I can get you in contact with the girls.

JuZha c'est à voir. Les femmes qui ont crée l'entreprise ont un but; aider les femmes. Elles ont débuté leur carrière dans les magasins, en faisant le maquillage sur les clients. En travaillant, Julie et Zhanna sont devenues un peu comme des psychologues. Elles ont écouté les problèmes des femmes, elles ont essayé de les aider, et surtout elles ont essayé d'encourager leurs clients.
JuZha a commencé quand Julie et Zhanna ont voulu faire plus que vendre le maquillage. Elles ont voulu aider les femmes à apprendre à l'utiliser correctement. Elles veulent passer du temps avec les femmes pour les aider à aimer leurs défauts, et non pas les couvrir. Pour elles, chaque femme est différente, et elle est magnifique.
Elles ont raison!

Je sais que pour moi de les voir travailler ensemble c'était magnifique. Elles parlent beaucoup avec les mannequins. Pour leur première séance photo elles ont travaillé avec des amies. Des femmes qu'elles aiment, qui avaient leur propre 'défauts' et qui ont déjà appris à les aimer.
Maintenant JuZha veut aider les femmes à apprendre le maquillage. Elles ont envie de travailler chez les femmes en faisant des 'make up parties.' Dans ces fêtes on peut se réunir avec des copines pour s'amuser, pour apprendre, et pour surtout utiliser le maquillage pour sa vrai raison - améliorer, pas couvrir. Le maquillage ce n’est pas de la peinture quand même!
Si vous êtes à NYC je vous suggère de contacter les femmes de JuZha. Elles sont géniales! Je vous jure!
Allez sur facebook - JuZha - pour les trouver!
Si vous préférez envoyer un email a JuZha directement, écrivez-nous, et on pourrait vous aider! 

Until next time/ A bientôt



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