lundi 17 septembre 2012

Long Island

If you're visiting NYC, you should really try to take a day or two and head out to Long Island.  As long as it is nice out.  Its a decent drive (if you take the Mantauk Parkway) and its rather quick if you take the highway.
There are tons of little town that remind me of Princeton, NJ.  You can find so much - Coffee shops.  Little boutiques.  Delicious restaurants.
I had the opportunity to head out to Long Island this weekend with A. 

We stayed in Bay Shore which you can 150% cross your list of towns.  Its terrible.  Our hotel was even worse.  Disastrous. 
So, we made the best of it.  We went to lunch at Molly Malone's and had a delicious meal.  New England Clam Chowder, Jack Daniels chicken and Grilled Salmon Salad.  A great way to end the Summer.
Then we hopped back in the car and started driving east on the Montauk Parkway.  And kept driving.  And then we stumbled upon Sayville.  The Sayville General Store was amazing.  With tons of great little gems for the home.  And I love decorating the apartment.  I was good, only one Pumpkin candle.  I was even given a 'gift bag' with my purchase which made it feel all the more special to open upon returning to Astoria.  How pretty is that?

You can walk Main Street and see many other little boutiques.  Stop for a coffee.  And pop into the Alice and WonderLand themed wine boutique.  Its teeny tiny, adorable, and sells great wine.
We continued on our journey and made it all the way out to the Hamptons.  Drove around looking at the expansive homes, and lusting over the beauty.  It really is something to see.
And we of course loved every moment of looking at the beach... look at the sunrise from Sunday, isnt it amazing?

Si vous venez à NYC, c'est une bonne idée de faire un petit tour A Long Island. Il y a tellement des petites villes sympas. Vous pouvez vous balader en regardant tout ce qui est autour. Dans les petites boutiques vous trouverez des choses pour la maison très sympa. Comme mon bougie que j'ai trouvé dans le Sayville GeneralStore.

Vous pouvez aller jusqu'aux Hamptons. Vous verrez des maisons tellement magnifiques et grandioses, je suis sûre que vous serez un peu choqué. (Ils sont TRÈS différents des maisons sur la côte de la France)
Pendant que vous vous baladez sur Long Island, essayez de vous arrêter pour voir la plage. Encore, très différente qu'en France, mais joli quand même.

Until next time/ A bientôt


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