mardi 4 septembre 2012

Berry Galette - Messy? Yes. Yummy? Biensur!

I first would like to thank Sallie from Texas Cottage for providing me with the idea of making a French galette.  I used her basic recipe, minus all the measuring, adding some extra butter, and voila - I had made my very first French galette.
Merci Sallie de Texas Cottage de m'avoir donner l'idée pour une galette.  Franchement, c'etait super bon.  Pas trop lourd.  Pas trop sucré.  Et juste assez de deux pour un BBQ de Labor Day.  Tous les invités (qui étaient des Grecs) ont adoré la galette.

Alors la recette - tres tres simple - beyond easy Americans... recipe is....

Pillsbury Pie Crust - room temperature
*  Fruit - whatever berries you want.  I did - raspberries, blackberries, peaches, strawberries
Vous pouvez choisir les fruits que vous voulez. J'ai pris des framboises, des myrtilles, des fraises et des pêches
     - I started with far too much fruit, but therefore I was able to make 2 galettes.  One for the bbq and one for the apartment for A and the roommate.

*  1C white sugar
*  2T cinnamon
*  2T melted butter

** Start by making sure the crust is room temperature.
** Flour your work space
** Open up the crust and roll out flat (no need to use a rolling pin, lets not get crazy)
** Clean your fruit, put it in a bowl, dump in your cinnamon and sugar, and mix (GENTLY) together
    Laver et couper les fruits, les mettre dans un bol, ajouter la cannelle et le sucre, mélanger délicatement
** Put the fruit in the center of the crust, leaving about 1-2" of space to fold
** Start folding up the sides (as I did before)
     * I learned that my first try (below) was too closed... Open it up a little more and you can add more fruit...If only I could figure out a way to "dry" the fruit so the liquid/juice didnt leak out
** Once you have folder over, use a pastry brush and brush on the melted butter to the edges
** Put on your baking sheet (either covered with Silpat or Parchment Paper)
** Bake at about 325 - 350 for maybe 30 minutes.
     * You want the crust to be golden, the fruit to be bubbly

Until next time / A bientot


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